Results for 'Taísa Helena Pascale Palhares'

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  1.  26
    A filosofia de Walter Benjamin–destruição e experiência, de Andrew Benjamin e Peter Osborne.Taísa Helena Pascale Palhares - 1997 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 3.
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    Aura: experiência que procura se estabelecer ao abrigo de qualquer crise.Taisa Palhares - 2002 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 8:07-39.
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    Helena M. Pycior, Symbols, Impossible Numbers, and Geometric Entanglement. British Algebra through the Commentaries On Newton's Universal Arithmetick.Helena M. Pycior - 1998 - Erkenntnis 49 (3):415-419.
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    The esoteric writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: a synthesis of science, philosophy, and religion.Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - 1980 - Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Pub. House.
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  5. Interview with helena cronin.Helena Cronin - 2000 - The Philosophers' Magazine 11:46-48.
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    Helena Lorenzová-kolegyně a přítelkyně.Helena Jarošová - 2006 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 42 (4):264-265.
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    A0 Pascal Paper.Read Pascal - unknown
    This assignment is to be worked alongside other homework and is due at the class period following the midterm exam. Though you should do reading and start thinking about the issues right away, details will make most sense after we have made some progress with other assignments.
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    Descentralização Educacional: Um Olhar Constitucional a Partir Do Direito Fundamental À Educação.Tatiane Campelo da Silva Palhares - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (2):108-124.
    O propósito deste trabalho é enfrentar o seguinte problema: que possibilidades a autonomia e a descentralização educacional apresentam para uma efetiva educação no Estado Democrático de Direito? Construir autonomia a partir de uma descentralização educacional implica “mudanças culturais” profundas nas pessoas. Assim, o presente trabalho objetiva discutir sobre a autonomia e a descentralização educacional. O conceito de descentralização e autonomia indicam a importância para o Estado Democrático de Direito. O método de trabalho foi o hipotético-dedutivo versando sobre o conceito de (...)
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  9. História, atualidade e possibilidades de ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira.Ana Cristina de Moraes Hazin Palhares - 2012 - In Maria José de Matos Luna & Vera Moura, Língua e literatura: perspectivas teórico-práticas. Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE.
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    Pascal par lui-même.Blaise Pascal - 1952 - Paris,: Éditions de Seuil. Edited by Albert Béguin.
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    Pascal Selections.Blaise Pascal - 1989 - Macmillan Publishing Company.
  12.  17
    Cultura do estupro: Desengajamento Moral como ferramenta de análise.Fabricio Pontin, Laura Dick Guerim & Camila Palhares Barbosa - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 1:021002.
    This paper aims to offer an analysis of rape culture through social cognitivism, specially using the moral disengagement mechanisms developed by Albert Bandura. Through this perspective, we intend to critically debate the approaches that explain the recurrence of rape by the evolutionary prism, as proposed by Steven Pinker. Our hypothesis, developed throughout the text, is that rape is a social phenomenon, a consequence of legal, linguistic and cultural permissiveness of violence against women in social contexts marked by sexism and misogyny. (...)
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    The moral (re)presentation: an essay on Merleau-Ponty's notion of time in the Phenomenology of Perception.Fabrício Pontin, Tatiana Vargas Maia & Camila Palhares Barbosa - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (70):375-401.
    The moral presentation: an essay on Merleau-Ponty's notion of time in the Phenomenology of Perception: The purpose of this essay is to investigate the notion of memory in Merleau-Ponty, suggesting a possible interpretation of the time and memory within Merleau-Ponty’s genetic phenomenological analysis. Ultimately, our hypothesis is that Merleau-Ponty’s understanding of the problem of representation and perception - particularly the problem of retention - places an ethical ground in perception. We will suggest that the phenomenological approach to memory might pave (...)
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    Omissions and their moral relevance.Pascale Willemsen - 2019 - Paderborn, Deutschland: Mentis.
    This book empirically investigates the social practice of ascribing moral responsibility to others for the things they failed to do, and it discusses the philosophical relevance of this practice.0In our everyday life, we often blame others for things they failed to do. For instance, we might blame our neighbour for not watering our plants during our vacation. Interestingly, the attribution of blame is typically accompanied by the attribution of causal responsibility. We do not only blame our neighbour for not watering (...)
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  15. An algebraic approach to non-classical logics.Helena Rasiowa - 1974 - Warszawa,: PWN - Polish Scientific Publishers.
  16. The mathematics of metamathematics.Helena Rasiowa - 1963 - Warszawa,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe. Edited by Roman Sikorski.
  17.  26
    Astronomic Bioethics: Terraforming X Planetary protection.Dario Palhares & Íris Almeida dos Santos - 2017 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 8 (2):1-10.
    A hard difficulty in Astrobiology is the precise definition of what life is. All living beings have a cellular structure, so it is not possible to have a broader concept of life hence the search for extraterrestrial life is restricted to extraterrestrial cells. Earth is an astronomical rarity because it is difficult for a planet to present liquid water on the surface. Two antagonistic bioethical principles arise: planetary protection and terraforming. Planetary protection is based on the fear of interplanetary cross-infection (...)
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  18. L'œuvre de Pascal.Blaise Pascal - 1936 - [Paris,: Editions de la Nouvelle revue francaise. Edited by Jacques Chevalier.
    Biographies.- Œuvres mathématiques.- Œuvres physiques.- Lettres et opuscules.- Abrégé de la vie de Jésus-Christ.- Les provinciales.- La suite des provinciales.- Les écrits sur la grace.- Fragments divers.- Pensées.
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    (1 other version)Œuvres de Blaise Pascal.Blaise Pascal - 1904 - Paris,: Hachette et cie. Edited by Léon Brunschvicg, Pierre Léon Boutroux, Gazier, Felix & [From Old Catalog].
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    Paris: « La nature au Moyen Âge ».Pascale Bermon & Dominique Poirel - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 65:474-483.
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    Nachruf auf Claudio Cesa.Carla De Pascale & Marco Ivaldo - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:12-20.
  22.  23
    Filiation and the Ethical Relationship.Pascale Drouet - 2022 - Levinas Studies 16:59-73.
    This article explores how Levinas’s analysis of family relations (paternity, filiality, fecundity, and maternity) and the ethical relationship to the other (requiring both a paradoxical process of separation and the aptitude to be ethically ordained) can retrospectively enlighten our understanding of King Lear. It first shows how, in the Shakespearean tragedy, Levinas’s ethical answer, “here I am,” cannot be dissociated from fearless speech, which becomes the manifestation of the ethical relationship to the other. It then focuses on the Levinasian paradox (...)
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    Paris: “La raison au Moyen Âge”.Pascale Bermon & Dominique Poirel - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 64:374-381.
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    À la source de l’argument Etiamsi daremus de Grégoire de Rimini.Pascale Bermon - 2023 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 107 (2):255-279.
    La présente contribution analyse un texte célèbre de Grégoire de Rimini, extrait de son commentaire des Sentences publié à Paris en 1346, livre II, distinction 34-37, question 1, qui demande « si Dieu est la cause efficiente immédiate du péché actuel ». Ce texte porte sur les fondements de l’éthique. Grégoire de Rimini y affirme en substance que si Dieu n’existait pas, agir contre la droite raison équivaudrait tout de même à commettre un mal. Ce texte est considéré comme la (...)
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    Le renouvellement de la lecture et de la diffusion de l'œuvre de saint Thomas d'Aquin.Pascale Bermon - 2005 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1 (1):23-30.
    Résumé L’étude raisonnée de la tradition manuscrite des œuvres de saint Thomas, menée par la Commission Léonine depuis sa fondation, est à l’origine d’un renouvellement considérable de l’approche de l’œuvre du maître dominicain. Elle a permis de confirmer la liste des œuvres authentiques, d’en restaurer le texte déformé par de multiples blessures au cours des siècles, et aussi d’esquisser, grâce notamment à l’examen graphologique des manuscrits autographes, le profil personnel de Thomas écrivain. Les conditions de travail du théologien ont été (...)
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    (1 other version)Jean Frapat /Les dispositifs dialogiques.Pascale Cassagnau - 2011 - Multitudes 5:104-113.
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    Billys.Pascale Chevalier - 2004 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 128 (21):1186-1225.
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    Gilles Deleuze: la pensée musique.Pascale Criton & Jean-Marc Chouvel (eds.) - 2015 - Paris: Centre de documentation de la musique contemporaine.
    La musique occupe une place significative dans la pensée de Gilles Deleuze, de la musique contemporaine aux musiques baroque, classique et romantique, et plus largement à l'ensemble des signaux sonores. Sollicitée au niveau expressif, technique, historique, non moins qu'anthropologique et politique, la musique prend part aux grands concepts deleuzo-guattariens - ritournelle, rhizome, agencements, machines - pour n'en citer que quelques-uns, désormais traduits dans de nombreuses langues. Un état des lieux des relations que la musique entretient avec la pensée de Gilles (...)
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    Les énonciations subjectives de l'art.Pascale Criton - 2001 - Multitudes 1 (1):83-97.
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  30. Filosofia e rivoluzione nel primo Fichte (A proposito di una nuova edizione del «Contributo sulla Rivoluzione francese»).C. de Pascale - 1975 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 54 (4):566-581.
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    Fichte und die Verfassung des Vernunftreichs.Carla De Pascale - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 29:101-110.
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    La civetta di Minerva. Studi di filosofia politica tra Kant e Hegel.Carla De Pascale (ed.) - 2007 - ETS.
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  33. Una recente interpretazione di Fichte.Carla De Pascale - 1976 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 31 (4):410.
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    Albert Camus et la question du suicide politique. Un radical appel à la mesure?Pascale Devette - 2014 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 18 (2):190-208.
    Dans cet article, nous explorons le concept de radicalité à partir de la pensée politique d’Albert Camus. Au travers des concepts d’absurde, de révolte et de mesure chez Camus, nous tenterons de comprendre le rapport entre violence et radicalité. Pour Camus, la racine propre à l’homme est double; elle se révèle dans une tension fondamentale entre liberté et égalité. En ce sens, la posture radicale de l’homme apparaît dans la mesure et la limite, plutôt que dans une forme d’absolu ou (...)
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    Mobilizing in Borderline Citizenship Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of Undocumented Migrants’ Collective Actions.Pascale Dufour & Pierre Monforte - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (2):203-232.
    This article seeks to explain how and why groups and networks of undocumented migrants mobilizing in Berlin, Montréal, and Paris since the beginning of the 2000s construct different types of claims. The authors explore the relationship between undocumented migrants and state authorities at the local level through the concept of the citizenship regime and its specific application to undocumented migrants. Despite their common formal exclusion from citizenship, nonstatus migrants experience different degrees and forms of exclusion in their daily lives, in (...)
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  36. Althusser, Spinoza, and the specter of the Cartesian subject.Pascale Gillot - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond, Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Les enjeux de l’emploi communautaire de motifs séquenciels en analyse du discours.Pascale Mounier - 2018 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    La linguistique de corpus a fait avancer ces dernières années l’étude du cliché linguistique en mettant au point des techniques de repérage et de calcul de fréquence de suites syntaxiques à classes de mots identiques. Ce qu’elle appelle le « motif séquenciel » peut trouver une pertinence en analyse du discours en particulier quand il sert de révélateur d’un langage communautaire forgé par des locuteurs en relation idéologique. C’est ce que confirme la présence de motifs séquenciels à lexèmes de même (...)
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    La pornographie « en situation ».Pascale Molinier - 2003 - Cités 15 (3):61.
    La porno straight est un genre littéraire, photographique et cinématographique socialement et historiquement situé, facilement accessible, jusque dans l’univers domestique – le câble – et le domaine professionnel – les écrans de veille. Je ne connais pas la pornographie..
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    Measurement Error in Health Insurance Reporting.Joanne Pascale - 2008 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 45 (4):422-437.
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  40. The essential Pascal.Blaise Pascal - 1966 - New York,: New American Library. Edited by Robert W. Gleason.
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    (1 other version)Se sacrifier pour exister.Pascale Peretti - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 204 (2):79.
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    Please Don’t Look at Me That Way. An Empirical Study Into the Effects of Age-Based Stereotyping on Employability Enhancement Among Older Supermarket Workers.Pascale Peters, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Daniel Spurk, Ans De Vos & Renate Klaassen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Helena Eilstein (ed.), A Collection of Polish Works on Philosophical Problems of Time and Spacetime. [REVIEW]Helena Eilstein - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (2):265-270.
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  44. Dimensions of naturalness.Helena Siipi - 2008 - Ethics and the Environment 13 (1):pp. 71-103.
    This paper presents a way of classifying different forms of naturalness and unnaturalness. Three main forms of (un)naturalness are found as the following: history- based (un)naturalness, property-based (un)naturalness and relation-based (un)naturalness. Numerous subforms (and some subforms of the subforms) of each are presented. The subforms differ with respect to the entities that are found (un)natural, with respect to their all-inclusiveness, and whether (un)naturalness is seen as all-or-nothing affair, or a continuous gradient. This kind of conceptual analysis is needed, first, because (...)
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    The polarity effect of evaluative language.Lucien Baumgartner, Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology.
    Recent research on thick terms like “rude” and “friendly” has revealed a polarity effect, according to which the evaluative content of positive thick terms like “friendly” and “courageous” can be more easily canceled than the evaluative content of negative terms like “rude” and “selfish”. In this paper, we study the polarity effect in greater detail. We first demonstrate that the polarity effect is insensitive to manipulations of embeddings (Study 1). Second, we show that the effect occurs not only for thick (...)
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    Mutual entailment between causation and responsibility.Justin Sytsma, Pascale Willemsen & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (12):3593-3614.
    The standard view in philosophy is that responsibility entails causation. Most philosophers treat this entailment claim as an evident insight into the ordinary concepts of responsibility and causation. Further, it is taken to be equally obvious that the reversal of this claim does not hold: causation does not entail responsibility. In contrast, Sytsma and Livengood have put forward an account of the use of ordinary causal attributions (statements like “X caused Y”) that contends that they are typically used interchangeably with (...)
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  47.  14
    The thoughts of Blaise Pascal.Blaise Pascal - 1899 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by A. Molinier & C. Kegan Paul.
    Pascal was a scientist and man of the world who came to be a passionately devout Christian. The fragments of his great defense of Christianity, left unfinished at his death in 1662, survive in the form of the Pensees. This series of brief, dramatic notes on his religious convictions are here translated into English. These thoughts expose Pascal's vision of the world and display powerful reasoning and a profound faith.
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    (1 other version)Lying, Deceptive Implicatures, and Commitment.Alex Wiegmann, Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen & Jörg Meibauer - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8.
    Deceptive implicatures are a subtle communicative device for leading someone into a false belief. However, it is widely accepted that deceiving by means of deceptive implicature does not amount to lying. In this paper, we put this claim to the empirical test and present evidence that the traditional definition of lying might be too narrow to capture the folk concept of lying. Four hundred participants were presented with fourteen vignettes containing utterances that communicate conversational implicatures which the speaker believes to (...)
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    Body-extension versus body-incorporation: Is there a need for a body-model?Helena Preester & Manos Tsakiris - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (3):307-319.
    This paper investigates the role of a pre-existing body-model that is an enabling constraint for the incorporation of objects into the body. This body-model is also a basis for the distinction between body extensions (e.g., in the case of tool-use) and incorporation (e.g., in the case of successful prosthesis use). It is argued that, in the case of incorporation, changes in the sense of body-ownership involve a reorganization of the body-model, whereas extension of the body with tools does not involve (...)
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    Pascal Engel. Publications.Pascal Engel - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:209-234.
    Livres [1] P. Engel, Identité et référence, la théorie des noms propres chez Frege et Kripke, Paris : Presses de l’École normale supérieure. [2] P. Engel, La Norme du vrai, philosophie de la logique, Paris : Gallimard, 3e éd. [3] P. Engel, The Norm of Truth, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic, New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf. Traduction en anglais de [2] par P. Engel & M. Kochan. [4] P. Engel, États d’esprit, questions de philosophie de l’esprit, Aix-en-Pro...
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